Licenses & Permits
牌照 / 許可證號碼
License / Permit No
Please find the license and permit information as follows:
Online sale of prepackaged Chilled and Frozen Shellfish via website
牌照 / 許可證號碼
License / Permit No
Please find the license and permit information as follows:
Online sale of Chilled and Frozen Meat (beef, pork, mutton) via website
牌照 / 許可證號碼
License / Permit No
Please find the license and permit information as follows:
Online sale of Frozen Confections via website
牌照 / 許可證號碼
License / Permit No
Please find the license and permit information as follows:
Online sale of prepackaged Frozen and Imported chilled Poultry via website
牌照 / 許可證號碼
License / Permit No
Please find the license and permit information as follows:
Online sale of prepackaged Oysters via website